2019-2020 - 1st Semester السداسي الأول

Undergraduate course, University of Ahmed Draia, Computer Science Department, 2019

Assigned list of classes for this semester: Algorithms and Data Structures 1 (TP), Numerical Methods 1 (TP), and Human-Machine Interface (HMI).

Algorithms and Data Structure 1 (TP)

  1. C language basics
  2. Fiche TP 1

Numerical Methods 1 (TP)

  1. MATLAB basics
  2. La méthode de point fixe
  3. La méthode de Lagrange
  4. La méthode de Trapèze

Human-Machine Interface (TP)

  1. TP 1 - Introduction
  2. TP 1 - Environment setup + Hello World
  3. TP 1 - First GUI APP
  4. TP 2 - GUI App - 2
  5. TP03 - Menu
  6. HMI Project Evaluation:
    • TP presence: 5 points
    • Project: 15 points divided as follows:
      • Report: 2 points
      • Project Idea: 2 points
      • Interface components: 5 points
      • Code understanding: 3 points
      • Program functionality (Buttons clicks and messages): 3 points.